3. Skyrim Character Manager - Toolbar

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In this topic, we go over the basic user interface to the Skryim Character Manager.

Main Screen

This is the screen the Skyrim Character Manager first shows after it is run.

Data Section

The Data section of the toolbar contains all of the commands related to manipulating data in the database. The Add button presents a dialog to allow the user to enter the basic data for a character. Once that is done, the character is in the database, ready to be edited or saved. The Edit button places the form into edit mode, which allows the data that is entered in the database to be changed. Note that the Character Name cannot be changed after it is set. The Delete button deletes the currently selected character.

Editing Section

The Editing section contains database commands that are secondary to the primary functions, but no less necessary. When the form is in edit mode, either due to a character being added or edited, the Save and Cancel buttons will become enabled. This enables the changes to the character to be saved or rejected. The Refresh button refreshes the data from the database.

Files Section

The Files section contains commands related to the actual save files on the hard disk. The Refresh button in this section looks at the files on the hard disk and refreshes the lists of files in the Character Save Files area (q.v.). The Activate button copies all of the character's save files from that character's specific folder to the Skyrim Save folder. Note that this button only becomes enabled if the selected character does not have any currently active files to reduce the probability of files being overwritten. The Deactivate button moves all of the character's save files from the Skyrim save directory to that character's specific directory. This will overwrite files in the character's specific directory if they are present.

Tools Section

This section contains commands that are secondary to the functioning of the application. The Launch button launches Skyrim. The Backup button copies the selected character's currently active files to the character's backup directory. The Intialize button configures the character's directory. It should only have to be run once per new character, and the character should have save files to 'seed' the directory, though this isn't required. The Settings button opens the settings dialog to configure the application.

Web Section

This section contains links to some popular Skyrim sites on the internet. This will launch the site in the default browser.

Documentation Section

The commands in this section launch the online page for the application (About) and the online help for the application (Help).